Drone Mitigation (Deterrent) Solutions

drone mitigation solutions capturing by net

Drone mitigation solutions or deterrents are becoming increasingly necessary to keep the skies safe

They are designed to keep nuisance and malicious drones out because even bad guys know how to fly drones.

We will discuss some of the recent challenges and innovations in the space, but we would like to remind you that the legal aspects of drone mitigation or deterrence are very much unsettled. For now, private companies do not have the right to interfere with drone operations.

Drone mitigation and deterrent solutions:

Remote Control (RC) drone interference is a hot topic headed for a boiling point, driving the need to physically stop drone intrusions to become a standard consideration. Ready-made spy drones literally provide industrial espionage capabilities out-of-the-box, but even hapless loss-of-control hobby accidents have dire potential in some cases. (A drone sucked into a jet engine remains the standard, all too possible gloomy scenario.)

Global market leaders are partnering to build the expertise and equipment necessary to offer drone mitigation services to stop nuisance and malicious drones of all kinds, including the ability to stop heavily customized systems meant for the attack. With effective drone mitigation or drone deterrent solutions in place, it is generally possible to take control of intruding drones and force them to land. Though sensitive environments still require on-site staff, some cases allow for such defenses to be automated always-on countermeasures.

Most effective systems are gauged responses to each scenario, set in place to fit the client’s needs without overstepping any regulations and with a watchful eye on protecting the public.

Rather than emit area-wide take-down signals that can interfere with legitimate GPS, phone, and remote vehicle uses, modern systems (especially in public areas) are highly targeted. By monitoring and analyzing drone-specific signals, an effective drone mitigation (deterrent) solution can identify an intruder and issue countersignals aimed specifically at the threat. Countermeasure signals are much more powerful than standard transmissions, effectively allowing your gear to take control of the intruding drone.


Hobby drones and RC planes use known frequencies, but intruder systems can use any viable frequencies to evade countermeasures. An Always-on, effective drone mitigation (deterrent) solution monitors all frequencies to find drone signals using sophisticated proprietary algorithms.


Even unmanned drone mitigation (deterrent) solutions can take active countermeasures, bringing down intruder machinery safely in forced but controlled landings. In crowded urban areas or public events, manned countermeasures are required to ensure public safety.


At need, effective drone mitigation (deterrent) solutions provide more than automated or staffed monitoring/system take-over defenses. In critical defense applications, manned patrols armed with rifle-style takedown equipment can be deployed for additional defense.

drone mitigation solutions shooting down drone


Public infrastructure can employ more aggressive defenses since the priority of public protection allows for “blanket” signal saturation on demand. Automated systems can be programmed to force down all radio-controlled devices within a defense perimeter to deter intrusion.


Well-funded drone users like cross-border smugglers are learning how to “spoof” government drone signals to escape countermeasures. Effective drone mitigation (deterrent) solution signal analysis technology is kept fully up to date to detect and identify all drone types, including such false signal attempts.


Your security or services partner must work with you to build an effective drone mitigation (deterrent) solution that can set systems to force intruder vehicles to simply turn and fly away, regardless of drone type.  When forcing a drone to land might endanger road traffic, civilians in a venue, or pedestrians, effective systems can simply and continually turn the intruder aside.


The best monitoring equipment determines precisely where the intruder signal is coming from with GPS accuracy. Signal coordinates can be given to law enforcement and security teams for immediate response.

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