Heads up to all Drone Service Providers! Watch out for this drone service scam email request
Dear Drone Service Colleague
There appears to be an email-based scam cropping up that you should be aware of.
We have seen it several times, and our friends have also. Luckily, we avoided the work and potential loss.
So, we wanted to provide this public service announcement to anyone who might get this kind of email to be extra cautious!
It starts with a simple request of whether you do aerial photography. When you ask for details, you will get a somewhat detailed reply that looks like the attached image. You will probably receive a location close to your offices.
It’s highly unlikely this is a real opportunity.
While it’s unclear how exactly they intend to monetize the scam, it is clear that you will undertake some effort to do unnecessary work.
If you have further examples, we encourage you to share them with us so we can get the word out.
Be careful out there!
Example of Drone Service Scam eMail

Another Example of a Drone Service Scam email

Tom McKeefery
Transformation, Technology, Supply Chains, and Operations